Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pious Wife...

Marriage to her is one half of the deen,
The benefit Allah has put in her is yet to be seen.
She wears her hijab for her Lord, to please and obey,
She turns to Allah for salaah at least five times each day.

She prays in the night and makes sure to awake you,
And sprinkles you with water if sleep should overtake you.
She protects her chastity with firmness because she does not desire,
To displease Allah and end up in the tormenting fire.

She asks the people who know when matters need to be rectified,
She is not blinded by self righteousness and foolish pride.
She is humble and kind to her husband as Allah has commanded,
Never leaving him alone, isolated, nor stranded.

She opens her mouth only to say what is best,
Not questioning her husband when he makes a request.
She takes care of herself and never ceases to try,
To beautify herself so to please his eye.

She is a pleasure Allah has given to us in this life,
Be thankful to Allaah alone for His blessing.

Belief Qadar....


Assalamu alaykum brother and sisters in Islam...

Qadar.. The Arabic word means Devine Measure with which Allah has ordained and decreed with exact calculations for ev erything in creation,according to His Eternal Omniscience and His Sublime Wisdom that ecompasses eternity.

   Faith and belief in Qadar comprises four aspects:

1. The belief that Allah has knowledge of everything in the universe with all the minute details of its occurrences in the time and space.This perfect and complete knowledge encompasses all of Allah's own acts and all actions of the creatures.

2. Everything that is preordained is written on  "al-Lawh-al-Mahfoodh" (The Preserved Tablets) which is with Allah.Allah The Most Exalted said:

Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heaven and earth? Indeed, that is in a Record. Indeed that, for Allah , is easy.The Holy Quran 22:70

In Saheeh Muslim, we  find the report of Abdullah ibn'Amr aibn al'Aas (RA) who narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say:

Allah recorded the measurement of all matters pertaining to creation fifty thousand years before He created the heavens and earth.

3. The belief that nothing can exist or happen except by the Will and Permission of Allah, and this includes what pertains to His action as well as to actions of all that He created. Allah the Most Exalted said concerning His own actions:

And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses; not for them was the choice. Exalted is Allah and high above what they associate with Him. The Holt Quran 28:68

And He said:

Allah keeps firm those who believe, with the firm word, in worldly life and in the Hereafter. And Allah sends astray the wrongdoers. And Allah does what He wills.The Holy Quran 14:27

And He said:

It is He who forms you in the wombs however He wills. There is no deity except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.The Holy Quran 3:6

Concerning the action of the creatures Allah the Most Exalted said:

Had Allah willed , indeed  He would have given them power over you, and they would have fought you The Holy Quran 4:90

And He said:

And if Allah had willed, they would not have done so, So leave them alone with their fabrications.The Holy Quran 6:137

4. The belief that Allah  created all creation and creatures  and all their actions, characteristics and movements.Allah the Most Exalted said:

Allah is the creator of all things , and He is the guardian of all things.The Holy Quran 39:62

And He said:

He to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and who has not taken a son and has not had a partner in dominion and has created each thing and determined it with [precise] determination. The Holy Quran 25:2
And Allah told us that Ibraheem  said to his People ( about them carving their idols):

While Allah created you and that which you do?" The Holy Quran 37:96

Qadar, as explained above  , is not contradictory of the reality that human have a freedom to act as they will and choose,and are capable of doing so , since this is proven   by both ash-Sharee'ah (revelation and scripture) and by al-Waqi (  the reality that we observe around us).

To be continue....

Chicken Curry for lunch...

Ingredients :
Cooking Procedures :
  1. Pan fry potatoes. Set aside.
  2. In the same pan, fry chicken pieces and brown a little.
  3. Add garlic and onion. Sauté for a few minutes until soft.
  4. Pour in patis and season with curry powder, salt and pepper. Stir for 2 minutes.
  5. Add water. Cover and bring to a boil. Lower the heat; add celery, bell peppers and fried potatoes. Simmer for 3 minutes or until half done.
  6. Add milk and stir occasionally. Cook for another 7 minutes (or lesser when using evaporated milk because the liquids will curled).
  7. Remove from heat. Serve hot.
  • 2-3 tbsp. oil
  • 3 potatoes, peeled, quartered and fried
  • 1 lb. chicken, cut into serving pieces
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 large onion, quartered
  • 1 tbsp. patis (fish sauce)
  • 3 tbsp. curry powder
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 red bell pepper, cut into big squares
  • 1 green bell pepper, cut into big squares
  • 3 celery stalks, cut into 1-1/2” long
  • 1 cup coconut milk or evaporated milk


Ya Allah I'm here to say thank you for all the guidance you gave
For all protection and blessing You that sent
For making me strong when times I was to giving up
To show me the light when I'm lost
To touch my heart when I was sad
Ya Allah... Alhamdulillah for everything
Ya Allah I asking your forgiveness
Sometimes I feel weak and lost
For all the sins that I did forgive me I repent on you
Ya Allah Ya Rabb I'm here asking your guidance
Your Mercy and help give me more knowledge in Islam
Make me more pure and make my faith more stronger
Protect my family and friends
Save all Muslims in the world
Accept us as your dearest slaves
Let us enter in Jannah with smile on our face
Ya Allah you are Merciful Most Great
We leave everything to your hand
Please make us strong

Woman in Islam.....

A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape, But a woman with strong Eeman prostrates in prayer to keep her soul in shape…

A strong woman isn’t afraid of anything, But a woman with strong Eeman shows courage in the midst of fear… A strong woman won’t let anyone get the best of her, But a woman with strong Eeman gives the best of herself to everyone…

A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids making the same in the future, But a woman with strong Eeman realizes life’s ‘mistakes’ can also be Allah’s blessings and capitalizes on them…

A strong woman wears the look of confidence on her face, But a woman with strong Eeman wears grace…

A strong woman strives to look beautiful and perfect, But a woman with strong Eeman knows that she can possess nothing more attractive than the adornment of faith and the beauty of taqwa…

A strong woman has faith knowing she is strong enough for the journey, But a woman with strong Eeman has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong…

May Allah guide us and help us to be the women of strong Eeman…

Pearl Necklace Part 2..

    He then placed in front of me a purse full of gold coins. A conflicting struggle of ideas was still going on in my mind. The sight of money which was within my easy reach was very tempting but I checked myself and said, “Sir, I thank you for offering me a substantial amount as a reward but it is impossible for me to accept it.”

    “Why not?” asked my noble guest, “You justly deserve the reward because I am giving it entirely of my own free will. I gladly give it to you as a humble token of my gratitude. Please do not dishearten me by refusing it.” I replied, “Sir, I cannot even think of being rude to decline your kind offer, but it is certainly improper for me to take it without doing anything to earn it. The necklace is yours and I happened to find it only by chance. Its restoration to you does not entitle me to take anything in return. Please do not insist on me to accept what is not morally due to me.”
He was rather surprised by my firm refusal. Normally people yearn for money but I was adamantly declining it. He said, “My son! It is a virtue to be an honest person but the money which is being offered to you is not disallowed by our faith. It is not prohibited to offer or accept such presents. Therefore, I request you to reconsider your unrealistic stand and keep that purse for the sake of my pleasure if not for anything else.”

     I said, “Sir, I do not at all intend to displease you, but the pleasure of Almighty Allah is more important to be reckoned with than your or my pleasure. If there is any good in my action, I will prefer to leave the matter to His Grace for compensation, which I do not want to risk for all the riches of this world. Kindly do not insist because I am determined not to accept any undue reward.” My guest collected his pouch and purse and stood much dejectedly to leave. He patted me on the back and left without a word.

    After a week or so, I got back my previous job. My days of deprivation and hunger were over. I rejoined my classes and forgot all about the incident in my busy schedule of daily routine. I exerted all of my energy to acquire knowledge of the Noble Qur’an and Hadith. My main subject of interest was Islamic Jurisprudence. I completed my studies with a distinction.

    On the recommendation of my tutor, I was offered an appointment as Qadi of Qurtaba, (Cordova) the capital city of Haspaniyah (presently known as Spain). I readily accepted the post and started to prepare myself very happily for the long journey. I took leave of my colleagues and went to the port of Jeddah to embark on the ship for my destination. I boarded a merchant ship to carry me to the land of my future hopes.

     For the first few days, the voyage was smooth and very enjoyable. Then suddenly a violent storm of severe intensity overtook us and the ship was engulfed by stormy waves. The mountain high waves tossed the ship around like a tiny toy. The masts were broken and the sails torn. A mighty wave crushed the ship and wrecked it completely. A few screams were heard and it was all over. I saw some floating boards and a few victims of the crash swimming around trying to save their lives. They were the only survivors of the hapless ship who were drifting over the ocean surface. When I recovered from the shock, I found myself clinging to a plank and moving with it at the mercy of the waves.
After drifting for two days, in a semi-conscious state, the waves tossed me upon the shore. I thanked Almighty Allah for saving me from the jaws of death. I was so weak that I couldn’t move. I helplessly lay there exposed to the scorching heat of the burning rays of the sun. I crawled to the dim shadows of a thorny bush. I lost track of time and was in a state between dizziness and heavy slumber.

    After some time, I slightly opened my eyes and saw a few strange faces staring at me. They poured a few drops of water into my mouth and I came out of my oblivion but was still unable to speak. They made up a stretcher and carried me to a nearby town. When we approached near it, the first man-made thing which caught my eye was a towering minaret of a Masjid. I thanked Allah for being among my own brethren of faith.

     They took me to a house belonging to one of them and laid me on a comfortable bed. With proper care, feeding, and treatment, I soon regained my lost energy. I told my kind host all about myself and the mishap of the ship wreck. My host, whose name was Faleh Hasan, informed me that I was in Hodeida, a coastal town of Yemen. The tract where I was luckily found was a desolate region and was a less tread part of the coast. Faleh Hasan and his friends noticed a few vultures circling over the area, so they went to investigate and found me there in an unconscious state. He introduced me to his friends and I expressed my heartful thanks for saving my life. Due to their loving concern, I was soon normal, both mentally and physically.

  I began to attend Masjid to offer my regular prayers and there I came to know many persons of nobility and of high-ranking positions. They all knew my unhappy episode through my host and treated me with understanding and respect. One of them was the aged and pious Sheikh Ahmad bin Suhail who usually led the prayers. He always greeted me with fatherly affection which touched me to the heart.

  One day, he was a little late to arrive to the Masjid, so the people requested me to lead the prayers. My hesitation and excuses proved to be useless before their sincere appeals. That day I performed the duties of Imam. I did my best to recite clearly the Verses of the Noble Qur’an during the prayer and afterwards delivered a brief sermon on Islamic Law. Everyone seemed to be highly impressed. Sheikh Ahmad bin Suhail came forward and congratulated me on my excellent performance. I thanked him for his appreciation and encouragement. I came back to the house of my host filled with delight and self-confidence.

    But later, I had sometimes thought that I had overstayed my welcome. So after the evening prayers, I stated my intention of leaving, but my host disagreed with me. He wanted me to stay for a few more days to recoup my health fully. At night, when I was going to bed, Sheikh Ahmad bin Suhail came with a few respectable people of the town. The friends of Faleh Hasan, who were my saviors, were also with them. When the preliminary formalities of greeting each other were over and all were comfortably seated, Sheikh Ahmad turned his eyes towards me and said, “Dear Abu Bakr, I have been honored by these gentlemen to speak to you, on behalf of them, about their commendable wish. I expect, you will please assent to it.”

    I was perplexed by that kind of address. So I said nervously, “Sir, you are very helpful and kind to me. I cannot disregard any of your commands or wishes. You can order me to do anything and it will be an honor for me to obey it.”
He said, “Dear son, we all earnestly desire you to stay here with us forever. The regular Imam of our Masjid had died last year. We still mourn his death and perhaps will do so forever. His respect is deeply rooted in our hearts. He had enlightened our lives with the torch of knowledge. We wish you to take his place and consent to be our Imam. We may not be able to offer you a better paid position than that of the Qadi in Qurtaba, but we will surely give you our love, affection, and respect.”

 " But Sir,” I protested, “I am a fresh, inexperienced student and feel small to carry out the sacred duties of the high office of Imam.” The Sheikh said, “My son, do not underestimate yourself. We all have heard your recitation and sermon, and are fully convinced of your ability to fulfill those responsibilities.”

Before I could think of any evasive answer, my host, Faleh Hasan, and his friends vehemently backed up the proposal. I was left with no other alternative but to nod in affirmative. Everybody was pleased with my decision, especially Sheikh Ahmad who thanked me and kissed my forehead. They all rose to leave and thanking me individually, departed very happy.

They left me thinking how the secret hands of fate change the course of destiny in a secret manner. Circumstances secretly take such a turn that they altogether change the plans made up by man. I had cherished the hope of being a Qadi of Qurtaba and had taken steps to attain that goal, but preordained events made me an Imam of the Masjid in Hodeida.

    So a new phase in my life began. I took charge of the imposed position and shifted to the assigned house of the Imam. I restarted the primary school that had closed due to the sad demise of the former Imam. I also commenced evening classes to impart lessons to explain the meaning of the Holy Qur’an.

I completely adjusted myself to the new environment and people generally accepted me as their religious leader. I was very content and never for a moment regretted my decision to settle there. All the people, young and old alike, were happy and respected me. The feelings of any estrangement all faded away and I became as if I was one of them for ages.

    One day, Sheikh Ahmad came to me and after inquiring about my welfare, said, “Dear Abu Bakr, your services to our townsmen are praiseworthy and beyond our expectations. I am glad that you had accepted our offer of staying with us. Now I have come to you to ask one more favor.”

   I said, “Sir, I am at your service. Please tell me and I will comply with your order.”
He said, “Dear son, a man is not perfect without his partner of life. I want you to marry and take full advantage of life. Marriage is also a sacred Sunnah of our Prophet salla Allahu alayhi wasallam. The sweet marital responsibilities are a real blessing which have been conferred onto man.”
I replied, “Sir, you have always advised me in my best interest. I take you as a father to me and in this matter also, I will follow you counsel.”

   The Sheikh said, “Your predecessor, the late Imam of this Masjid was a very close friend of mine. He had a daughter, and when he was sure of his end, he entrusted her to my protection and care. Since then she has been under my guardianship. She is a lovely and adorable girl of good manners. Allah has endowed her with physical and mental beauty. She is virtuous and is a suitable match for you. I wish to give her in marriage to you and I feel sure that it will be a marriage of true minds.”              

    I had no objection to the proposal whatsoever. A few days later, the bonds of marriage united us. After the festive ceremonies were over, Sheikh Ahmad escorted her to my house that was in fact her old abode where she had lived with her late father. I looked at her and my gaze was concentrated steadily on her. I forgot to even say welcome to her. I was not only looking at her beautiful and charming face, and at her downcast eyes; but my glance was riveted upon her pretty neck, which was ornamented by precious pearls. I at once recognized that necklace. It was the same necklace I once found on a deserted road of Makkah. I looked at her in silent and open-mouthed wonder.

   Sheikh Ahmad noticed my confused condition and thought that her beauty and the luster of the pearls had enchanted me. He politely said, “Dear Abu Bakr, that necklace and its wearer, both are yours now and you can take all your time to behold them. It may, perhaps, interest you to know that the necklace has a strange story of its own. Five years ago, my friend went to Makkah for pilgrimage and took that necklace with him to get it re-polished. There, he lost it. But due to the goodness of an honest young man, he recovered it intact. That commendable young man refused to sell his honesty and declined the pressing offer of a handsome reward. He left a lasting impression upon my friend who always remembered and talked about him. He once confided to me that he had a mind to go to Makkah again and ask that virtuous young man to accept the hand of his daughter, but time did not allow him to do so. Anyhow, it was destined differently. His daughter was to become your wife instead of his. The decreed decisions of fate are strange and beyond the understanding of man.”

    An emotional storm erupted within me. The strange happenings of the fateful events which were unfolded by the hidden hands of destiny agitated me and drops of tears rolled down my cheeks; I looked towards Sheikh Ahmad through misty eyes and said, “Dear Sir, you are very right to say that insight into the unknown mysteries of fate is not possible. It would perhaps be a pleasant surprise to know that I am the same person who found the necklace and restored it to your friend. He, in return, offered me an amount of five hundred dinars. Although I was a pauper and was suffering from the agonies of hunger in those days, my conscience did not allow me to accept anything that was not my due. I pinned all my hopes and expectations of Almighty Allah for any reward. And here I am with His gracious and greatest reward of all.”

   Sheikh Ahmad was amazed and without saying a word, he held my hand and shook it was a passion. My newly wedded wife lifted her eyes and looked me full in the face. Her eyes were filled with enthusiastic love that any husband ever could desire for. Almighty Allah had bestowed upon me His favors by giving me a considerate and loving wife and nothing in life surpasses that bliss.”

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Pearl Necklace...

“In the middle of the 5th century Hijri, I was a student of the Noble Quran and Hadith in Makkah. During that period, I once became jobless and my means of income came to an end. I managed, somehow, to subsist for a few days but soon it became hard to obtain even two square meals. My studies were discontinued and I had to sell a few of my books to support myself. I was at the edge of starvation but my feelings of self-respect did not allow me to borrow or beg from anybody.

One day, I was hungry, as usual. I went to the Ka’bah to pray to Almighty Allah to save me from my sad plight. On my way back, I saw a velvet cloth pouch lying near the road edge. I picked it up. It was nicely sewn and neatly tied with a silk cord. I looked around to find its owner but the road was deserted and nobody was in sight. I carried the pouch to my house.

I was curious to know the contents of the small bag. As I untied the cord, a very precious necklace of pearls slipped into my hand. The luster of the spotless pearls almost lit my room. The pearls of different sizes were nicely put together in a string of crimson colored silk. It was a radiant beauty and I was thrilled to hold the valuable ornament. For a moment, I altogether forgot the hungry and pitiable state in which I was. My thoughts went to the unfortunate owner who had lost the precious jewelry. He must be unhappy and very worried due to his great loss. The course of action which I instantly decided on was to look for the owner and give him back his necklace to relieve him of this mental suffering. It never came to my mind to keep it wrongfully in my possession. So I set out to search for him. Leaving the bag behind, I went straight to the place were it was found.

A group of excited men were standing there and were busy in anxious conversation. I went close to them. Their topic of discussion was the missing pouch of pearls. An old man whose nobility and magnanimity was evident from his imposing personality, was standing amidst them. He was explaining the loss of his pearls to the attentive audience and was announcing a reward of five hundred gold coins to the person who could help him in recovering the lost necklace.

I listened to his account of the loss very carefully. When I was sure of his ownership, I held his hand gently and requested him to come along with me. He looked at me very hopefully and without asking any questions, he followed me. On the way back to my house, I was delightfully thinking that a handsome amount of five hundred dinars would be mine after a short while. The very thought of getting a reward of that much money was very pleasing. I was wondering whether my miseries would be over. I would no longer be a hungry or poor person. With such happy ideas in my mind, I entered my house and also invited the old man to come in.

When we sat down, I asked my perplexed guest about some marks of identification of his lost bag, so that his ownership could be established beyond doubt. He readily explained the shape and color of the pouch. He told me about its contents and gave an exact count of the pearls. He even described the tying cord. It convincingly proved that he was the rightful owner of the bag and the necklace of pearls. I silently rose and brought out the necklace pouch. As he saw it, his gloomy expression at once changed. His shining eyes beamed with joy and he looked at me with sincere gratefulness. His pleasant glance of thanks impressed me, and my own mode of thinking suddenly changed.

A little earlier, I was enjoying the idea of getting a good reward, but now my mind was reasoning as to what I had actually done to deserve it. It was by sheer chance that the bag had came into my possession. I had exerted no efforts to obtain it. Therefore, why did I expect to get a reward for returning it to its rightful owner? But I was actually in dire need of money. My poverty and the grim realities of life were looking me in the face. Why shouldn’t I accept the reward? It was absolutely legitimate and surely there was no harm in taking it. A painful conflict of indecision was going on within me and I was in an uneasy state of double mindedness.

The noble old man was looking at the necklace again and again as to assure himself of its recovery. He then looked at me and said, “O dear me, you are a virtuous person and I thank you from the core of my heart. I am unable to express fully my feelings of gratitude for your act of praiseworthy conduct. Nevertheless, I offer you a purse of five hundred dinars as a humble present and request you to kindly accept it.”

To be continue....

Thursday, November 24, 2011

SAFEGUARD ( Hijab in Islam )...

Assalamu Alaykum brothers and sisters in Islam and to my friends...

May Allah guide us and protect us to all troubles and sins.Ameen

       First of all just want shared my real feeling about veiling or covering oneself in Islam ( Hijab and Nijab )
many question come to our mind what is the real reasons why woman in ISLAM need to cover it is really rule or need to implement as soon as u recite Shahada ( Testify the Oneness of Allah(SWT) and that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the final messenger) or its a choice if u want to wear it or not?.... But after reading and searching what I really want to know about this covering I feel so ashamed to Him its Allah(swt) rule and if you really scared and believe in Him you will do it and wear it not as your choice but obeying the Only God who created us that is Allah(SWT) our Lord.

Muslim women observe ‘HIJAB’ (covering the head and the body) because Allah has told them to do so, there are many verses in Quran says about covering oneself....

”O Prophet(PBUH), tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed…” (Qur’an 33:59).

       A Muslim woman who covers her head is making a statement about her identity. Anyone who sees her will know that she is a Muslim and has a good moral character. Many Muslim women who cover are filled with dignity and with self-esteem; they are pleased to be identified as Muslim women. As chaste and modest women, they do not want their sexuality to enter into interactions with men in the smallest degree. A woman who covers herself is concealing her sexuality, but allowing her femininity to be brought out.

The question now is what is the extent of the covering? The Qur’an says:

“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands…” (Qur’an 24:30-31)

These verses from the Qur’an contain two main injunctions:

(1) A woman should not show her beauty or adornments except what appears by uncontrolled factors such as the wind blowing her clothes, and
(2) The head covers should be drawn so as to cover the hair, the neck and the bosom.

“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.” [Q 24:30]

“And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands’ fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! Turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.” [Q 24:31]

As we all know covering our self is like a protection its a greatest gift that Allah(SWT)gave to us to protect us to all kind of trouble and sins.Allah(SWT) is Great He loves all His slave so everything He sent to use is for good.

Many Hadith says about this and they explain why woman in ISLAM cover or veiling ...

Volume 1, Book 8, Number 368: Narrated 'Aisha(RA):

Allah's Apostle (PBUH) used to offer the Fajr prayer and some believing women covered with their veiling sheets used to attend the Fajr prayer with him and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.

“Ayesha (R) reported that Asmaa the daughter of Abu Bakr (R) came to the Messenger of Allah (SWT) while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: ‘O Asmaa! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands.” (Abu Dawood)

As all people know only Muslim need to wear or cover their body(hijab) ..The Bible too speak about covering and veiling is Allah(SWT) rule God rule here a verses in Bible say about covering and veiling...

1 Cornithians 11:5 -6

5but any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head—it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. 6For if a woman will not veil herself, then she should cut off her hair; but if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or to be shaved, she should wear a veil.

Covering... Veiling...Hijab.... have a clear evidence that this is Allah's rule and we need to obey Him ..He is the One Who created us everything here in this world is Allah(SWT) creation we here to Worship Him fallow His rule His Book and Sunna( Hadith) that He sent through our Beloved Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous Quran 2:21

Dua ...

Ya Allah thank you for
All the blessing you gave to me
For all the love that sent to all your slave,
Ya Allah I’m here in front of you
Begging asking your forgiveness
I’m a sinful slave of you
Forgive me if I did wrong or forget
Many things about Islam
U knew I try to learn and share
But sometimes due to lack of knowledge
I did many wrong
Ya Allah make me pure and open my heart
To all things regarding Islam
Make me more stronger than before
And don’t let me give up
Let me grow and live in Islam way
With your love and Mercy
Bless all my brothers and sisters
Who always correct me if I did any wrong
May Allah be with us …Ameen
:'( :'( :'(

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sahih Bikhari

Volume 7, Book 70, Number 555:

Narrated 'Ata bin Abi Rabah(RA):

Ibn 'Abbas(RA) said to me, "Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?" I said, "Yes." He said, "This black lady came to the Prophet (PBUH)  and said, 'I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please invoke Allah for me.' The Prophet said (PBUH) (to her), 'If you wish, be patient and you will have (enter) Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke Allah to cure you.' She said, 'I will remain patient,' and added, 'but I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.' So he invoked Allah for her."

Secrets of the Heart: Episode 1

Ang Kadalisayan..

  Assalamu alaykum  mga kapatid sa pananampalataya ito ay mga babasahin ito ay nag  galing sa mga kapatid natin na nag sasagawa ng Dawah sa Saudi Arabia nais ko lang po ibahagi sa inyo ang mag sulating ito gabayan at tulungan nawa tau Ni Allah (SWT).Ameen      

  Ang kahulugan ng salaitang Arabik    na Taharah ay kadalisayan, lakinisan, at pananatiling dalisay. Ang paggamait nito aya hindi lamang limitado sa pisikal na kadalisayan.Kailangan sikapin ng isang Muslim na palaging maging malinis sa puso, isipan, katawan at buhay.

  " Kadalisayan ng buong diwa ay isnag biyaya mula  kay Allah"

Sa Banal na Quran, ang pagsisisi ay isang binaggit na kasama ng kadalisayan.

"Katotohanan, mahal ni Allah ang sino man na palagiang bumabaling sa Kan ya ( ngpagsisisi ) at mahal Niya rin an g nananatiling dalisay at malinis sa kanilang sarili." (Al-Quran 2:222)

    Sa Islam ay walang pagkakasalungat    sa magkakaibang uri ng kadalisayan. Halimbawa ay kadalisayan pang-ispiritwal,pangkasalanan, pangkaisispan, panlipunan o pangkatawan.

    Ang pangkatawan  na kadalisayan sa pamamagitan ng paghugas(wudu) ay isa  sa mga pangunahing kailnagan bago magsagawa ng pagdarasal  (Salah). Ang ibig sabihin, ang isang Muslim ay naghuhugas  nag kamay, bibig, ilong, mukha, braso, tainga, paa, halos limang beses araw-araw.

     Karagdagan pa dito ang pagpaligo (Ghusl)   alinsunod sa iba pang kadahilanan aya isa rin sa pangunahing kailangan  upang may bisa   ang ating pagdarasal (Salah).

     Bukod pa sa kalinisan ng katawan, ang Quran at Hadeeth o sawikain ng Propheta Muhammad (sumakanya ang pagpapala at kapayapaan) ay nagbanggit hinggil sa kalinisan at kadalisayan sa pagkain, sisidlan ng tubig, mag kalsada, damit, at bahay.

     Ang katotohanan  ay halos lahat ng mga tomo ng Hadeeth at Figh (Batas ng Islam) ay nagsisimula sa pagtalakay sa mga paksa ng kadalisayan (Taharah) at kalinisan.

Sa batas ng Islam, ang pangkatawan ng kalinisan (Taharah) ay nauugnay  sa dalawang pangunahing bahagi:

a) Kalayaan ng katawan sa ano mang uri ng karumihan,gayundin sa mga damit, lugar ,at iba pa.

b) At ang pagsasagawa ng Wudu (paghuhugas) o Ghusl (paligo) ay dalawang kinakailangan bago magsagawa ng pagdarasal (Salah) at iba pang mga gawaing pangdebosyon at pagsamba.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Holy Quran-Solution for every problem of the world ...

When we were young life seemed very tension free and fun, but as we grow old we begin to face the realities and hardship of life which were transparent before. People need to do a careful study in order to conclude the problems faced by the world. Even the so called developed countries of the world have so many unresolved problems which they don’t have a solution and are unable to present a solution. Islam presents solution to all the moral and social problems faced by the west.
The number of homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault is at rise every year in the west (developing countries). The Holy Quran presents solution for all these, if west imply the Islamic dress code there will be a drastic change in the number of rapes, if the punishment of chopping hands is implemented there will be a massive decrease in robbery and burglary, same goes for homicide and all other problems like depression, poverty etc. The system of zakat if implemented properly that can eradicate poverty. Holy Quran is the last book revealed to mankind from the God of this universe. In order to understand this divine book one must use our intellect. 
One’s intellect has to be applied in the understanding of this Book. This is something that the Quran itself has commanded us to follow at every step of life. For instance, in Al-Baqarah, Quran talks about spending in the way of Allah and how Satan motivates man into spending elsewhere for these worldly wishes. And then in the middle of this discussion, Allah says
"But none will grasp the message except the men of intellect." (Quran 2:269)

We can have a better world if we follow the teachings of Quran and authentic Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Holy Quran, A Complete code of Life

Don't let a day pass without [Reading the Quran with understanding the meaning]
Don't let a day pass without [Learning something new about Islam]
Don't let a day pass without [Repentance]
Don't let a day pass without [Thanking Allah]
Don't let a day pass without [Giving anything for Charity even simply a Smile]

You're able to do this now, can you guarantee that you'll live another day to do it?..

Behind My Veil...

What you see behind my veil?
What you think when I cover myself?
A girl without freedom…
A girl without fashion…
For your eyes I look so ugly
Because of the clothes I wear
I’m not oppress,I’m not in prison
And not also an old fashion
It’s my choice to cover myself
Because I’m obeying my Lord
If in your eyes I look a mess
I don’t care because I’m proud to myself
My Hijab is my protection
To Allah I’m beautiful
Because of my Hijab I become pure…

One of the Miracle of Quran..

The Holy Quran Sura Al Muninoon.. 12 -16

12 Verily We created man from a product of wet earth (clay);
13 Then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging (womb);
14 Then fashioned We the drop a clot, then fashioned We the clot a little lump, then fashioned We the little        lump bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it as another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators!
15 after that surely die.
16 on the Day of Resurrection yo will be raised (again).

The great benefits of believing in the Last Day of Resurrection

Bismillah ..

Assalamu alaykum..

 The great benefits of believing in the Last Day of Resurrection include..

1. Encouraging the desire to do good deeds of obedience hoping for bliss and reward of Paradise.

2.  Being terrified of committing deeds of disobedience fearing the punishment of the Hellfire.

3.  Comforting the believer about the pleasures and the luxuries that he misses in this worldly  life and
     the hardship and the pains he endures in the hope for the bliss and reward of the Paradise.

(some)disbeliever do not believe that life after death is possible.The falseness of their doubt about possibility of life after death is true.

Quran says: The disbeliever pretend that they will never be resurrected  (for the account).Say (O Muhammad): "  Yes! by my Lord, you will certainly be resurrected, then you will be informed(and recompensed for) what you did, and that is easy for Allah" The Holy Quran Surah  at-Taghaabun:7

All Scriptures  (like Torah,Psalms an  d Gospel) are unanimous on this matter(of belief  in the Hereafter)

Dua for today...

Ya Allah thank you for giving another good day
Ya Allah thank you for all the blessing that you  sent to me
For accepting all my Dua and prayers
For making me strong everyday
For sending such a wonderful brothers and sisters in Islam
 Ya Allah forgive us to all the sins that we did
small or big accept us have Mercy on us
Ya Allah send all your Mercy to all my 
brothers and sisters who taking exam now
make us pure and stronger, bless my family
and friends give us more knowlegde about Islam
make us healthy and free for all sickness
and bless all Muslim in the world
Ya Allah accept my dua im your sinful slave
asking your forgiveness and Mercy

You are my light...

You are my light when I’m in the dark
You are my light when I’m in sad
You are my light when I’m in trouble
You are my light when time I want to give up
You show the light and bring to me
You show the right path that I never seen
You give me hope and make me live…

You are the light of the heavens and earth
Light upon light Allah guides to His light whom He wills
I’m blessed Allah light me and show Islam to me
Alhamdulillah the light( ALLAH )swt is with me all of us..
Ameen Ya Rabb..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Holy Quran Surah 17 Ayah 23-24

And You Be Kind to the parents when
One or both of them
Attain old age in your life
Say not to them a Harsh
Word nor Scold Them
But address them in terms
Of honor and out of kindness
Lower to them the wing
Of humility and say
My Lord bestow on them Mercy
Just as they cherished
Me in childhood

Dinner tonight...

Chicken Kaldereta....

     Chiken Kaldereta is not an usual cook here in Philippines most popular here are chickhen adobo,afritada and pininyahang manok ( chicken cook with pineapple syrup and chunks). but its it's really yummy when u taste it's more good if you put lots of sili labuyo to make it  hot and spicy.


1 k. chicken, cut into serving pieces
6-8 pcs. regular hotdog, cut diagonally into three
2 medium size bell pepper, cut into wedges
1 medium size carrot, cut into wedges
1 medium size onion, chopped
1/2 head garlic, chopped
2 tbsp. pickled relish
1 small can liver spread
1 tsp. paprika powder
2-3 pcs. siling labuyo,chopped
1 tbsp. peppercorns
1/4 cup vinegar
1 cup tomato sauce
1 pkt. kaldereta mix
2-3 pcs. bay leaf
salt and pepper
cooking oil

Marinate chicken with vinegar, a dash of salt and pepper for 5 to 10 minutes. Drain marinate. In a sauce pan stir fry chicken in batches until color changes to light brown, remove from pan and keep aside. In same pan, sauté garlic and onion, return chicken and sauté for another 2 to 3 minutes. Add tomato sauce and liver spread, stir cook for 3-5 minutes. Add 3 to 4 cups of water, crushed pepper corns and bay leaf simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until chicken are tender. Add carrots, hotdog, siling labuyo, paprika and kaldereta mix diluted in 1/2 cup of water, simmer for another 10 minutes and until sauce thickens. Add bell pepper, season with salt if required and cook for another minute, serve hot with steamed rice.

In'sha Allah will cook this tonight hehehehehe... just some changes on recipe simple one but delicious also....^ _ ^ happy cooking......<3<3<3

Mother and Her Trust in Allah...


Assalamu alaikum brother and sister in Islam...

                   We always ask our self how much we love our Mother? If we treat them good? If we obey all they want for us? sometimes situation comes we face misunderstanding about you and your mom and this thing make us think and brings us in pain and sadness.

Mom loves their children very much and all they want is a good future for their kids but sometimes they act too much and we feel it is wrong, we know well that they doing all of this because of their love and too much caring to their child. I read some article showing how much a Mother love her child and how much she trust Allah.

Running to Remember a Mother and Her Trust in Allah....

Muslims who perform the Hajj or Umra must run in the middle portion of the distance between Safa and Marwa seven times. Safa and Marwa are two hills close to the Kaba. This is a commemoration of one mother's sacrifice for her son.
That mother was Hajira (may Allah be pleased with her). Her son was the Prophet Ismail (peace be upon him). Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was Hajira's husband, and Ismail's father.

Hajira's example of sacrifice took place when she and her baby was left in the valley of Makkah by Allah's order as pioneers to start a civilization.

Here was the wife of a Prophet, the princess of the king of Egypt, left with her child in the desert. All for the sake of pleasing our Creator.

As Prophet Ibrahim headed for his next responsibility from Allah, he reached an area where Hajira and Ismail could not see him. At that point, he turned back, raising his hands in Dua and said,

"O Our Lord! I have made of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation by Your Sacred House; in order Our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits, so that they may give thanks." (Quran 14:37).

Hajira returned to her place and started drinking water from the water-skin, and her milk increased for her child.
But when she had used up all of the water, she ascended the Safa hill and looked, hoping to see somebody.
The area was empty.

She came down and then ran up to Marwa hill. She ran to and fro (between the two hills) many times, then went to check on her baby Ismail.

He was dying. And she could find no water for him or herself.
She could not watch her son perish. How could any mother?

'If I go and look, I may find somebody,' she told herself. Then she went and ascended the Safa hill and looked for a long while but could not find anybody.

In all,Hajira ran seven rounds between Safa and Marwa, in the hot, waterless valley, where her thirsty baby lay.
She told herself to go back and check on Ismail. But suddenly she heard a voice: it was the Angel Jibreel.
'Help us if you can offer any help," she said to him.

The angel hit the earth with his heel and water gushed out. Hajira was astonished and started digging. Allah, as she had rightly proclaimed, had not abandoned them.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), in the Hadith in Bukhari in which much of this incident is narrated, said, "If she (Hajira) had left the water, (flow naturally without her intervention), it would have been flowing on the surface of the earth."

Today we are bearing the fruits of this mother's struggle and sacrifice. Many of us drink and have drunk from the well of Zamzam. And those of us who have made Hajj run in a much more comfortable way than Hajira ever did, between Safa and Marwa.

Her commitment to her son, her sense of urgency and her unshakable faith in Allah in such harsh circumstances are all examples of not only what an excellent mother she was, but also what a strong believer in Allah she was.

       Mother will accept all hardship and pain for her child sake and her trust to Allah always there no mother happy seeing her child suffering and crying if she can get her child pain she will do that, All she want see their child happy and walk in right path.

"We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth" (46:15).

Abdullah ibn Amr related that the Messenger of Allah said: The major sins are to believe that Allah has partners, to disobey one's parents, to commit murder, and to bear false witness (Bukhari, Muslim)

Even we face some problem or misunderstanding to our mom keep our patience lets try to understand why they doing all of that if sometimes they act too much, try to communicate with them and tell them wath inside us this simple thing will help in'sha Allah we should love them and care to them as long as we can and most important let put our trust to Allah He knows what best for us ...Pray, Dua, believe nothing impossible to Him Allah is Most Merciful Most Great . May Allah help and guide us to the right way and forgive us to all our sins..Ameen

Dua for today..

Ya Allah I want to thank you for taking care me the whole night
For letting me to saw the sunrise with smile again
To all the blessing you give to my family
For taking care of my sisters and brothers in Islam
For giving me knowledge and understanding about your Deen
Ya Allah I asking your forgiveness to all the sins that I done
For all wrong that I did for some mistakes that I make
Forgive me, I repent on You My Lord
Ya Allah I'm asking you're guidance and help
Keep my family healthy and safe
Make our Faith more strong day by day
Keep all my brothers and sisters happy and free from all sickness
Ya Allah bless  all your slave and accept  in Jannah
Ya Allah accept my Dua I'm your sinful slave a servant
Allahuma Ameen...

Mga Alituntunin sa Pagkain...

   Inatasan ni Allah anag maga lingkod Niya na kumain ng mga pagkain nakakabuti at pinagbawal Niya sa kanila ang maga pagkaing nakakasama.

Nagsabi Siya: "O mga sumasampalataya , kumain kayo ng mga nakakabuti na itinusto Namin sa inyo,,"(Sura Al- Baqarah:172)

   Ang lahat ng pagkain ay pinapahintulot maliban sa mga  pinagbabawal. Si Allah ay nagpahintulot sa Kanyang mga lingkod  na nananampalataya na kumain ng mga pagkain nakakabuti upang pakinabangan  nila ang mga ito. Hindi ipinahihintulot na gamitin ang mga biyaya ng Allah sa pagsuway. Nilinaw na ni Allah sa mga lingkod Niya ang ipinagabawal Niya na mga pagkain at mga inumin. 

Sinabi Niya "..samantalang nilinaw na Niya nang masusi sa inyo ang ipinagbawal Niya sa inyo, maliban doon sa napilitan kayo?.."

Samakatuwid and anumang  hindi nalinaw ang pagbabawal,iyon ay hindi Halal (ipinahihinyulot ni Allah). 
Nagsabi naman ang Propeta ( SAS ) : "Tunay na si Allah ay nagsatungkulin ng mga tungkulin,kaya  huway ninyong ipagpawalang-bahala ang mag ito; nagtakda ng mga hanggnan ,kaya huwag ninyong lampasan ang mga ito; nagbawal ng ilang mga bagay,kaya huwag ninyong labagin ang mga ito: nanahimik sa inamg mga bagay bilang awa sa inyo -- hindi sanhi ng pagkalimot,kaya huwag na kayong mag-usisa tungkol dito"

           Kaya ang bawat bagay, gaya ng mga  pagkain, mga inumin, at mga kasuotan, na hindi nilinaw  ni Allah ni ng Sugo Niya (SAS) ang pagbabawal nito ay hindi ipin ahihintulot na ipagbabawal ito. And patakaran na ang bawat pagkain na Tahir( Itinuturing na malinis sa Islam kaya ipinahihintulot kainin) na hindi nakapipinsala ay ipinahihintulot:taliwas sa mga pagkain Najis (itinuturing na marumi sa Islam kaya ipinagbabawal kainin) gaya ng patay na hayop, dugo. nakalalasing na inumin,sigarilyo, at pagkain  na  nahaluan ng bagay na Najis dahil ang mga itoay ipinagbabawal dahil nakakasama at nakakapinsala. Ang ibig sabihin ng patay na hayop aya ang hayop ba naalisan n ng buhay ng di ayon sa pagkatay na itinatagubilin ng Islam. Ang dugo ng ipinagbabawal aya ang dugo na lumalabas sa hayop kapag kinakatay. Ang dugong naiiwan sa loob ng karne matapos katayin at ang dugong natitira sa mga ugat ay ipinahihintulot kainin.

Mga Pagkain  Ipinahihintulot..

    Ang ipinahihintulot na pagkain ay dalawang uri : mga hayop at mga halaman. Ipinahihintulot ang alin man sa mga ito kung hindi nakakapinsala.  Ang mga hayop ay dalaw ang uri: hayop na nabubuhay sa lupa at ang mga hayop na nabubuhay sa dagat. Sa kabuuan, ang mga hayop na nabubuhay sa dagat ay Halal at hindi na kailangan katayin (namatay na di kintay) na hayop ng dagat ay ipinahihintulotna kainin.

Ang mag hayop na nabubuhay sa lupa ay ipinahihintulot kainin maliban sa ilang uri na ipinagbabawal ng Islam:

1. Ang baboy at baboy-ramo
2.  Ang asno na inaalagaan
3. Ang anumang hayop na may pangil na ginagamit sa pagsila, maliban sa hyena gaya ng aso,puso,buwaya at iba pa.
4. Ang mga ibon, maliban sa sumusunod:
   A. Ang mga ibon  may kukong pandagit o pansila. Nagsabi si Ibnu 'Abbas (RA):
  "Ipinagbawal na Sugo ni Allah (SAS) ang lahat ng may pangil na mabangis na hayop at ang lahat ng ibong   may kukong ipinaninila"
   B. Ang mga ibong kumakain ng patay gaya ng agila, buwitre, uwak, at lawin dahil dahil sa dumi n g kinkain ng mga ito.

4. Ang mga pinandidiriang  hayop gaya ng ahas, daga, at mga kulisap (maliban sa balang at tipaklong).
    Ang iba pa sa mga hayop  at mga ibon na nabanggit ay Halal gaya ng kabayo, baka, kalabaw, tupa, manok, usa, asnong pa. Hindi kabilang sa mga ito ang Jallalah: ang mga hayop na bagaman Halal ngunit Nijas ang karamihan sa kinakain. Ipinagbabawal kainin ang Jallalah hanggang hindi ito ikinukulongng tatlong araw at pinakakain ng pagkain Tahir lamang.

     Makruh ang pagkain ng hilaw na sibuyas, bawang at mga gaya nito na may masamang amoy  lalo na kung papasok sa Masjid.

   Ang sinumang mapipilitang kumain ng pagkaing Haram, dahil baka ikamamatay anag hindi pagkain nito, ay pinahihintulutang kumain ng makasasapat  lamang upang    manatiling buhay. Ang nakakalasonay hindi maaring kainin kailanman.

   Ang sinunamang mapadan sa isang taniman at namitas ng bunga sa puno  nito o namulot ng nalaglag na bunga at walang anumang bakod na nakapaligid  sa pataniman ata wala nagbabantay; pinahihintulutan siya na kainin ang bunga ngunit hindi siay magdadala , hindi din aakyat sa puno, hindi mambabato, hindi manunngkit ng bunga, at hindi kakain sa mga nakatipon o nakatumpok na bunga maliban na lamang kung kinkailangan....

In'sha Allah makapagbigay ng kaalaman ang sulatin ito gabayan nawa tayong lahat ni Allah sa tamang landas at patawarin tau sa ating mga kasalan...

Source:  Mga lathain ng F.G.O. sa Zulfi Saudi Arabia..

Lets learn simple Arabic....

    Assalamu alaykum good morning every one have a bless Sunday to all of us...anyway lets  try to learn a simple Arabic today...^ _ ^

Hello - Assalamu alaykum
Goodbye - maa'assalama
Yes -  na'aam
Ok - Hasanan
I'm sorry - aasif
Excuse me - law samaHt
I'd like - ooreed
Where is? - ayn
Please - min fadlak
Thank you - shukran
You're welcome - afwan

In'sha Allah this simple Arabic will help us in the future....