Saturday, December 3, 2011

Muslima A True Story....

Trials Begin......

     After that night when she accept Allah as her Only Lord she never think when she woke up in the morning many things will change and trials on her life will start.First day she was so happy as  a Muslim feel so peace she continue learning and reading  she start to did Salah secretly because her family didn't knew she was revert to Islam but she so eager to learn and be close to Allah so she did all her best to complete 5 times prayer secretly.

 Quran says:

"Seek help through patience and Salah; truly it is extremely difficult except for the humble true believers."The Holy Quran (2:45) 

"This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for those who have taqwa; who believe in the unseen, and who establish Salah, and spend out of what we have provided for them" The Holy Quran (2: 2-3) 

"The believers, men and women, are protecting friends of one another; they enjoin good and forbid evil, and they establish Salah, and give Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have His Mercy on them, and surely, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise."The Holy Quran (9: 71) 

  Salah makes her more closest to Allah in short time she feel so peaceful and complete days past she continue reading, learning about Islam more, one day her family found out that she starting to learn about Islam make them mad at her, she live in non -Islamic country and they think being a Muslim is a big craziness so they told her to stop this craziness. She cried too much and feel so alone but deep in her heart she told to herself no matter what happen I'll never leave Islam I found my Lord what my purpose in life ....I created to worship Him Only Him.. So still she continued learning and praying secretly.

Quran say:

"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.Say (O Muhammad [PBUH]) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone." The Holy Quran 112:1-4

    She never think what her family say and she don’t care if they will mad at her I’m a Muslim now no one can’t take this to me she told to herself… even she feel scared   she still continue learning she memorize Ayatul Kursi and this Ayah make her weapon when she face trouble and difficulties.

   One day truth revealed they knew that she already a Muslim and her family make more mad they force her to leave Islam and if not she need  to leave the house. Her family make her choose between her religion and family, she cried to much she strong for what she believed but she still weak when she saw her family in pain and cried, her heart become soft and tell to them she will but inside she never do.
    They remove all things about Islam and she never let her to read or learn they remove her Quran copy in pc she never let to pray at home but still because of her Faith and believing to Allah  she continue learning and do Salah. She told to herself Allah show to me the right way and I'm a bless He choose me and forgive me to all my sins I'll never leave ISLAM...I FOUND LIGHT the true path the right way and that is ISLAM..

Quran say:

“And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad
 tidings to as-Saabireen (the patient ones). 
 Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: “Inna lillaahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raaji’un (Verily to Allah we belong and verily, to Him we shall return).”
 They are those on whom are the Salawaat (i.e. who are blessed and will be forgiven) from their Lord, and (they are
 those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones.”The Holy Quran (2:155-157)

To be continue....

Friday, December 2, 2011

Sura Al-Kahf....The Cave...

Bismillah .....

  Assalamu alaykum brother and sisters in ISLAM, Quran says about the patience and believing and have Faith what Allah's will.Just want to share to some verses of Sura Al-Kahf .May Allah guide us all to the right way.Ameen

Patience and Faith for what Allah's will.....

And they found a servant from among Our servants to whom we had given mercy from us and had taught him from Us a [certain] knowledge.Moses (PBUH) said to him, "May I follow you on [the condition] that you teach me from what you have been taught of sound Judgement?" He said, "Indeed, with me you will never be able to have patience.And how can you have patience for what you do not encompass in knowledge?" [Moses(PBUH)] said, "You will find me, if Allah wills, patient, and I will not disobey you in [any] order." He said, "Then if you follow me, do not ask me about anything until I make to you about it mention." So they set out, until when they had embarked on the ship, al-Khidh r tore it open. [Moses(PBUH)] said, "Have you torn it open to drown its people? You have certainly done a grave thing." [Al-Khidh r] said, "Did I not say that with me you would never be able to have patience?" [Moses(PBUH)] said, "Do not blame me for what I forgot and do not cover me in my matter with difficulty." So they set out, until when they met a boy, al-Khidh r killed him. [Moses(PBUH)] said, "Have you killed a pure soul for other than [having killed] a soul? You have certainly done a deplorable thing."[Al-Khidh r] said, "Did I not tell you that with me you would never be able to have patience?" [Moses(PBUH)] said, "If I should ask you about anything after this, then do not keep me as a companion. You have obtained from me an excuse." So they set out, until when they came to the people of a town, they asked its people for food, but they refused to offer them hospitality. And they found therein a wall about to collapse, so al-Khidh r restored it. [Moses(PBUH)] said, "If you wished, you could have taken for it a payment." [Al-Khidh r] said, "This is parting between me and you. I will inform you of the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience. As for the ship, it belonged to poor people working at sea. So I intended to cause defect in it as there was after them a king who seized every [good] ship by force. And as for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared that he would overburden them by transgression and disbelief. So we intended that their Lord should substitute for them one better than him in purity and nearer to mercy. And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure for them, and their father had been righteous. So your Lord intended that they reach maturity and extract their treasure, as a mercy from your Lord. And I did it not of my own accord. That is the interpretation of that about which you could not have patience." The Holy Quran 18:65-82

     In this verses of Quran it's very clear that each of everyone of us need to keep our patience and never ask why me? why it's happen? no matter how much pain trials, difficulties we face just keep believing have Faith in Him Allah knows what is good for us and we all know this is for better. Lets put our trust to Allah for every pain we feel, for every tears fall, for every smiled and bless we received to Him let say Alhamdulillah and be thankful and always think everything happen its Allah's will and all of this have a reason... this life is full test and this trials  make us  more stronger and more closest to Him just keep praying do good deeds avoid doing sins and worship Him Alone.May Allah forgive us and guide us all to the right way.Ameen

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Light Prayer....

O God,
give me light in my heart and light in my tongue
light in my hearing and light in my sight
and light in my feeling and light in all body
and light before me and light behind me.
Give me, I pray Thee, Light on my right hand
And light on my left hand And light above me
And light beneath me, O Lord,
Increase light within me And give me light
And illuminate me.

Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) Light Prayer

Muslima A True Story....

Night When I Took Shahada....

   After a week of reading and learning she can't explained what she felt that time and she told to herself I found what I want I knew now what is missing on my life.....Its Allah His everlasting love... His care...His guidance and she found to herself she want to become Muslim, she ask her friend Muslim how she will become Muslim she said, I want to become Muslim I want to ask forgiveness to Almighty God Allah I want to accept Him in my life I want to become His servant..His slave please tell me how...she so eager to know how because she want to ask forgiveness to all the sins that she done and worship Allah Alone.

    His Muslim friend told her you need to recite Shahada (La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah.) testifying that there's no One God but Allah and Muhammad(PBUH) is His final and last messenger and accept Allah as your Lord Only God, creator of everything.

   She took a Ghusl (Bath) purified herself and she said this is the time I will accept my Lord I want to be His slave His dearest slave. She don't know what kind of feeling or emotion cover her whole body all she knew I want my Lord Allah in my life, she never think anything even her family just Allah.

Time body shaking His Muslim friend told her repeat after me...

                                 "Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha il-la-l-laah" ...."Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha il-la-l-laah"
                                                         I bear witness that there is no god but Allah

    "wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulul-laah" "wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulul-laah"
                            and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

                   "Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha il-la-l-laah"  "wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulul-laah"

     She can't explained what she felt that time she just found herself shaking her eyes full of tears she can't stop crying when his friend told her you are Muslim now congratulation .. May Allah be with you and guide you and help you to become a good Muslima one day.  she like a new born baby feel so peaceful and happy and she don't think tomorrow everything will changes a Jihad of her life will start..

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion". (Soorah Al-Maa'idah 5:3)

to be continue...

Marry The 7 Types Of Pearls !!!!

1. The Patient :The woman who remains patient in all circumstances, and never whines, moans and complains. When some trouble or affliction hits her, she turns to Allah for help.
2. The Protector; The woman who protects her husband's wealth & her chastity When he is away from home. When he returns , she does not burden him with the day's problems , but listens atte...ntively to his needs and does her best to take his tiredness away.
3.The Lover: The women who adores her husband & craves for his children to the extent that whenever her husband glances at her, duaa pours for her from the bottom of his heart.
4. The Do-Gooder: The women who has an excellent reputation in society - for being kind, caring & courteous to all. She is good with her neighbours & relatives & never backbites or displays jealousy.
5. The Content; The women who never casts her eyes at material things and is content with whatever little her husabnd gives her. She is thankful to him for every morsel that he feeds her, every clothe that he gifts her , including the roof over her head. She makes her gratefulness known to him in words & action and thus, soothes her husband's heart.
6. The Pious: The women who spends much of her day in Dhikr, tilaawat-e Quran & Salah and her nights in praying Tahajjud & crying to Allah for forgiveness. She encourages her husband to give daw'ah in his spare time.
7. The Sweet Smiler: The woman who smiles excessively..esp. when her husband is at home. She always talks gently that it seems that pearls are dripping from her mouth. She never raises her voice while talking to her husband. If her husband is angry with her for some reason & shouts at her, she does not answer him back but maintains a dignified silence. When he has calmed down , she offers him cool water & apologizes to him even if she wasn't at fault.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Noble Quran 24:30-31

"Say to the believing man that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands..." [Noble Quran 24:30-31]

Muslima A True Story...

Starting to know about Islam...

       After she heard about Islam she don't know what she felt that time. It's like a wake up call to her and she is so eager to learn and know about Islam. She started read Quran  day by day she feel so much scared and ashamed and she found Islam is a true religion and Allah is the Only One God, she so desperate that time thinking all the things that she did on her past life since she was young she felt so alone incomplete and always asking whats wrong on me, what I really want on my life, what my purpose? why I'm here? why I created?

        After a 1 week of reading and learning and listen some story about Islam she  stop communicating to her friends and concentrate of learning in reading...she continued to read Quran and watch how to do Salah , how to perform Wudu and during that time of her learning she found a new person inside her she felt so close to Allah and many times she was crying and asking His forgiveness and say after a long time of searching I found why I felt so incomplete and now I found what I want,what my purpose in life at last a true Smile came to her face  and  a heart joy and peace because she found Islam and found Allah an d believed that Allah is the Only God creator of everything.

"O mankind, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous" -The Holy Quran 2:21

Whoever recites the Holy Quran well and clearly is equal in rank to the Angels who record creations deeds. These Angels are gracious, honorable and of lofty rank. He who finds difficulty in reciting the Holy Qur’an will obtain double reward. (Sunan Tirmizi p.118 v.2)

Tobe continue....

Muslima A True Story...

Time when I was in the Darkness....
   There's a woman who live in simple life, a happy family, circle of friends a good job but don't have religion just believed that God exist. Her life continue going, day came she face problem left the job face financial difficulties still she never ask help to God and think everything will be ok soon. One day she found a circle or friends or things that make her happy and busy and this things make her go to wrong and deep sins. Even you see she smiling and laughing deep in her heart you will feel and see the pain and emptiness inside her soul.

     Many days come she become more deep in this things and make her lost for many times she got too much attached to her friends and make her cries and feel lonely when some of them leave her. She only a simple girl who love to make others laugh and happy with her company because of this some take advantage and make her hurt and cried. One day during his sadness day and emptiness and feel no one understand her. She met a Muslim friend he console her and make her calm she found a  true friend on him. 

      During their talks Muslim found a naive person inside her and make him  think that he can't leave this girl in this situation he try to be with her as long as he can and when he need someone to talk. One time during their conversation he tell to her about Islam. He told what Dunya is and how this world make her go to wrong and make her a sinners, he told about the Judgement Day and about God... Allah, at that moment the woman think deep and feel scared and asking herself she lost for many years, tears starting to flow on her eyes she felt so alone and ashamed for all the things that she done.

    She's in deep thinking can't imagine what happen to her how many many times.... she forgot that there's a God who always watching her she can't stop crying she don't know how to ask forgiveness for all the things that she done, then a Muslim friend told her.

Say: O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surah az-Zumar 39:53) 

     He told Allah is Most Forgiving you just ask forgiveness and repent to Him to all the sins that you done even your sins reach the clouds in the sky Allah will forgive you, when she heard that she cries to much and ask him how will I forgive to all the sins that I done and  I want to know about Islam and about your God our God Allah. That time she start to read and learn about ISLAM..

"O son of Adam, as long as you call upon Me and put your hope in Me, I have forgiven you for what you have done and I do not mind. O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky and then you would seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, if you were to come to Me with sins that are close to filling the earth and then you would meet Me without ascribing any partners with Me, I would certainly bring to you forgiveness close to filling it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Boy who tried to escape Death Part 3...

Ya Rubb! How can this be so beautiful in what I am seeing?!” Ahmad says as tears roll down his face.
“Oh Ahmad! You have seen nothing yet. We have not even come close to the Doors of Eternal Beauty!” The angels call out to him as they begin their ascent through the Seven Heavens.
Up they rise, faster than the speed of light. A beautiful wind gushes upon the face of Ahmad as he sits within the casket of beauty. He looks around in absolute amazement as he passes each of the Seven Heavens, and he notices that the next one he enters seems to be more beautiful than the last! Comfort indescribable sets in the soul of Ahmad, a feeling of happiness completely protected against any speck of sadness or worry.
On the other hand, Mo and the girl burn continuously in the garments of fire as the Angels of punishment bring them up through the Seven Heavens. The pain and torment they experience are so bad that they are unable to view the spectacular scenery surrounding them. Every nerve within their bodies is afflicted with agony beyond imagination. Their bodies are prevented from going into shock; no end to the pain; continuous tears pour forth from their dark reddening eyes.
“Ya Allah! If I truly knew death was this bad I would have been your best servant! Please Allah! I now know! Please send me back and I will be the best!” Both Mo and the girl scream out.
“No more sound from you! You said you were Muslims yet you did not obey Allah! You were warned by your family yet you did not take heed! You knew about Hell and the punishment from Allah yet it did not scare you to turn back to Him! This is your reward for choosing the life that you wanted! You fell for your desires and you did not want to sacrifice the sinful fun for pleasing Allah! Now you will face the pleasure for the sinful; Hell will be your abode! Now you will soon see the pious enjoying their lives within the Garden of Eternal Delight! See then and tell me what the real entertainment is; the pleasure of the World that is now gone from you forever, or the pleasure of Paradise that will last forever! See then and tell me who are those who show true happiness; those sinful people on this Earth looking to seek pleasure while the pious cry to Allah, or those who used to cry to Allah now dwelling in Gardens of Eternal Delight while those who tried to seek pleasure on this Earth now screaming for eternity in the depths of Hell-Fire!” The Angels call out, each word sending shivers down the spines of Mo and the girl.
“But the pain is too much! I cannot bare it no more! Please take away some of the pain!” The girl screams out.
“Pain?! You have not even felt pain! You have seen nothing yet! For you the terrors of the Grave await you! For you, the horrors of the Day of Judgment are approaching! And for you, the final resting place of a pain and terror beyond your wildest imagination awaits. It is Jahannam, the final abode for the disobedient servants of Allah who underestimated His anger and punishment!”
Back on Earth the parents of each of the youth who passed away help in the preparation of the burial and the washing of the dead.
As an honour from Allah to Ahmad, Allah placed noor (light) within the face of Ahmad’s dead body and a smile that spread across his face. Each person who saw a glimpse of his face was left amazed at the sight.
“Inshah’Allah this is a good sign from Allah.” Ahmad’s father says as tears roll down his face.
“I am sure it is, Inshah’Allah.” The Sheik of the Masjid says as he stood next to Ahmad’s father.
Far from noor, the faces of both Mo and the girl were disfigured. Their faces suffered major trauma from the accident, but little did people know that this was from Allah as a curse upon their bodies.
The first to be led to Salatul-Janaazah was Ahmad. At the front row Ahmad’s father stood along with the rest of his children. The mother stood far at the back along with the rest of the Muslim Sisters. Amazingly that day, literally hundreds of pious Muslims with big beards and Islamic clothing came to pray Salatul-Janaazah for Ahmad. Ahmad’s father Muhammad turned around in absolute astonishment as he watched crowds of Muslims trying to squeeze in for a space in Prayer. Muhammad was so moved by what he saw and thanked Allah continuously in his heart for allowing so many Muslims attend, tears poured from his eyes.
In fact, there were so many pious Muslims that day, Salatul-Janaazah had to be repeated three times to allow those who waited outside to come in and make the Salat. Again, almost no body knew that this was another honour from Allah towards Ahmad?
As for Mo and the girl, there was a surprisingly major setback in sorting out the death certificates etc, therefore preventing both of them being buried on Friday. Yet again, almost no body knew that this was another humiliation upon them for their disobedience towards Allah.
“AllahuAkbar!” The Imam calls out for the start of the first Rekk’a of Salatul-Janaazah. A feeling of fear and love of Allah passes through the air and through the hearts of the Muslims within the Masjid without them knowing, as Angels within the room constantly make Du’a towards Ahmad asking Allah for mercy, forgiveness and reward upon his soul. The only sign upon this Earth of this happening was the feeling of absolute concentration and crying towards Allah as the Muslims stood in Salat.
As these Muslims prayed towards Allah to ask Him to have mercy upon Ahmad, the angels with Ahmad already arrived to the Seventh Heaven and had his book written down in ‘Illiyun and back to Earth they headed. While those on Earth prayed for Ahmad, he was being treated to a death of honour, and yet an honour greater than this awaits him.
After Salat Muhammad turned around to the Sheik and asked with tears still in his eyes, “What about Mo and the girl?”
“There is a delay with their death certificates. The time the parents are finished sorting that out, the burial most likely will be on Saturday. Anyway, let us get going to the burial site.” The Sheik says as he compassionately takes Muhammad’s arm and guides him to the car?
The Angels with Ahmad have now come back to Earth, and the soul of Ahmad waits over his dead body. The body has now arrived to the burial ground. There, before Ahmad’s eyes is his own burial spot. Radiating light of different colours spring forth from his grave. Sounds similar to that of a miraculous waterfall and the falling of leaves can be heard in the distance, but the beauty of the sound multiplied thousands of times more than that of Earth. The smell from the foods of Paradise can be smelt from the distance; from food that cannot even be imagined or created upon this Earth.
“Please, please, let me get into my Grave!” Ahmad screams out in extreme excitement.
“Ahmad! Be patient, for I cannot even imagine how you will act when you set foot within Paradise!” The Angels say to him smiling.
Ahmad is in so much excitement and so determined to get within his grave, that this even has an impact upon his dead body!
As his body is carried towards the grave by his grieving father and other members of his relatives, the dead body becomes awfully light!
“SubhanAllah! My son’s body seems so light!” Muhammad says.
“Mashah’Allah. Those who are pious, their dead bodies seem light since the soul wants to get into the Grave, while that of the disbeliever and the disobedient, their bodies seem heavy since the soul does not want to enter the grave because of the horrors of what they see.” The Sheik says.
The closer Ahmad gets to his Grave, the greater his anticipation and happiness becomes. With all the joy he is experiencing, he does not even notice the surrounding events taking place!
The final time Ahmad’s dead body will see the light of day has now come. Muhammad gets inside of the grave along with the local Sheik. For the last time upon this Earth Muhammad takes his son in his arms and carefully positions him down into the grave. For the last time on this Earth, Muhammad looks into his son’s eyes and stares at him. The Sheik spots the tears developing in Muhammad’s eyes, his body beginning to shake with the sadness.
“Muhammad. Keep firm and patient.” The Sheik says to him quietly and calmly.
“Yes Inshah’Allah, but words cannot describe the feeling of burying my own son.”
“This is Qadr of Allah and this is surely a great test. Keep firm upon the path of the Sunnah and Qur’an and you will meet him again face to face, Inshah’Allah.”
If only his father sees the state of Ahmad now, he will surely smile and cry out of absolute happiness. Little does everyone know that Allah is going to send a sign upon them all of the condition and state of Ahmad!
Slowly the soil of the ground is thrown over the body of Ahmad. Minute by minute the hole of the grave begins to fill. Family, relatives and friends watch down in sadness, some crying out of grief, others crying out of fear that one day they will be in Ahmad’s situation, dead.

As Ahmad walks towards the magical gates, they slowly open releasing an incredible scent out in the open. Ahmad’s hair is pushed back as the wind gently strikes against his body.
He enters the large magical dome, and there before him is an incredible garden of literally thousands of large colourful flowers and bushes never seen by man. Streams of blue and green water pass through the land like meandering rivers, the water passing along at a generally fast speed. As the water hits against the banks of the rivers, splashes of water rise and suddenly turn into hundreds of colourful fruits resembling bubbles, floating around, waiting to be picked by someone and eaten. All along the banks of the rivers are magical gems and rubies in colours unknown to man. Ahmad runs towards the river laughing and in an ecstatic mood. He quickly places his arms deep within the magical water, which feels so soothing and cool. He takes some water in his hands and takes a sip. The flavour is beyond imagination, similar to that of a magical tropical fruit. He finds one of the floating fruits resembling a bubble and takes it in his hand. He takes a bite, his teeth easily sinking into the almost see through fruit. He cannot believe the flavour, something indescribable. He spends time enjoying the fruit around him when he suddenly hears laughing in the distance. He turns around in shock and there in the distance is a small group of Muslims sitting together enjoying a Hugh feast. He smiles and quickly runs up to them.
“Assalaamu’Alycom dear Brother. Come join us.” One of the Brothers calls to him smiling.
“Wa’laycom Assalaam!” Ahmad says excitedly.
He is given a golden plate full of rice, lamb and salad. The food looks flawless. Not a single defect can be found in the food.
“Mashah’Allah! So this is it? No more sadness and worry? I still cannot get over the excitement that there will never be any boredom, sadness, pain or worry!” Ahmad says.
The Brothers around him laugh.
“Wait until we enter Paradise and see the Face of our Allah.” One Brother says.
“AllahuAkbar!!!” All of the Muslims call out.
Suddenly a multi coloured cloud appears over them and a shower of gems fall upon them like snowflakes. Each gem is edible, a delicious sweet given to them by Allah. An angel suddenly appears to the Muslims and says, “Dear Slaves of Allah! This is a small gift from Allah to thank you for praising His name.”
“AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar!” The Muslims continue to scream out in extreme happiness, tears appearing from their eyes. Just the thought of Allah loving them is beyond words and description. No gift can ever be compared to being loved by Allah.
Time passes on, not affecting the Muslims within the magical dome.

Ahmad lays upon a bed of a material made only for the pious, watching above as small gem like leaves float around in all directions, releasing a beautiful scent attaching to anything it touches.
Ahmad slowly looks to the left and what he sees is something he could not possibly imagine would happen?There, before him, is his mother, father, two brothers and his sister! His whole family is there before him!
“Mama! Dada! My Brothers and Sister!!!” He rushes towards them and hugs them tightly.
“My son! My son!” His mother cries out, crying out of extreme happiness.
“How? By Allah how?!” Ahmad calls out in tremendous exhilaration.
“Well by dear Son. 10 years after your death, we went to Hajj. It was the most exhilarating experience ever. Nothing could be compared to standing among all the Muslims bowing down to Allah.
While in Salat al-Layl (night Prayer), your mother and I made big Du’a to Allah to grant us a place with you in the Hereafter. After coming back from Hajj, we were all in our car driving back home reciting Qur’an, when suddenly we were struck by a truck and we all died by the will of Allah.”
“SubhanAllah! What is also shocking was when you mentioned 10 years! It feels I was here for only a few days! I thank Allah so much that He has united my family with me!”
An angel suddenly appears before the family.
“No more sadness, no more division. You were united upon the Earth and were separated at death. You have now united for the second time, and unity will be for eternity. You will be a family forever. You will enter Paradise together, without end. You will be loved by Allah forever!” The angel calls out smiling towards them.
“Lah Illah Ha Illallah! Takbeer! AllahuAkbar!” The family call out hand in hand.
“Mama! Dada! And my dear brothers and little sister! Come and I will show you around, for there is so much to show you in here, and even with this, I have only seen a fraction of what is in this Hugh magical dome. Imagine what will be in Paradise!!!” Ahmad calls out in excitement indescribable.
There they went: Ahmad, his mother, father, brothers and little sister, off to enjoy a magnificent feast with the rest of the blessed brothers and sisters within the magical dome of wonder. Muslims that will be united forever. A unity that will grow for eternity to come. A love and family bond that will continue to grow between them forever and ever?

May Allah forgive us and have Mercy on us..

Source:Islamic online..

How to get help in lowering the gaze:

How to get help in lowering the gaze:

1. Intention - he who intends chastity, Allah will keep him chaste( Saheeh Muslim)
2. Avoid places where obscenity is common, including TV
3. Early Nikah otherwise fast (Bukhari)
4. Salah with concentration (Quran 29:45)
5. Avoid bad company
6. Remember Allah is watching (Quran 96:14)
7. Remember it is Zina of eyes (Bukhari)
8. Remember we will be questioned regarding the use of our eyes (Quran 17:36)
9. First accidental glace is not sinful, but the second one is sinful. (Abu Dawood RA)

Sahih Bukhari.....

Sahih Bukhari..
Narrated Abu Huraira(RA):

"The Prophet (PBUH), peace be upon him, said, `A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty, and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman[otherwise] you will be a loser.'"

Sunday, November 27, 2011

True Story of a young Boy....


Assalamu alaykum another story will make you smile and proud that we are Muslim Allahu Akbar!!!!

There was once a man who was an enemy to Islam. He had three famous questions that no person could answer. No Islamic scholar in Baghdad could answer his three questions...thus he made fun of Islam in public. He constantly ridiculed Islam and the Muslims. One day a small boy, who`s age was 10, came along and heard the man yelling and screaming at Muslims in the street. He was challenging people openly to answer the three questions.

The boy stood quietly and watched. He then decided that he would challenge the man. He walked up and told the man, "I will accept your challenge".

The man laughed at the boy and ridiculed the Muslims even more by saying, "A ten year old boy challenges me. Is this all you people have to offer!"

But the boy patiently reiterated his stance. He would challenge the man, and with Allah`s help and guidance, he would put this to an end. The man finally accepted.

The entire city gathered around a small "hill" where open addresses were usually made. The man climbed to the top, and in a loud voice asked his first question.

"What is your God doing right now?"

The small boy thought for a little while and then told the man to climb down the hill and to allow him to go up in order to address the question.

The man says "What? You want me to come down?"

The boy says, "Yes. I need to reply, right?"

The man made his way down and the small boy, age 10, with his little feet made his way up.

This small child`s reply was "Oh Allah Almighty! You be my witness in front of all these people. You have just willed that a Kafir be brought down to a low level, and that a Muslim be brought to a high level!"

The crowd cheered and screamed "Takbir"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!"

The man was humiliated, but he boldly asked his Second question... "What existed before your God?"

The small child thought and thought.

Then he asked the man to count backwards. "Count from 10 backwards."

The man counted..."10, 9 ,8 , 7 , 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,0"

The boy asked, "What comes before 0 ?"

The man: "I don`t know...nothing."

The boy: "Exactly. Nothing was before Allah, for He is eternal and absolute."

The crowd cheered again...."Takbir!"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!!"

The man, now completely frustrated, asked his final question. "In which direction is your Allah facing?"

The boy thought and thought.

He then asked for a candle. A candle was brought to him. The blessed child handed it to the man and asked him to light it.

The man did so and remarked, "What is this supposed to prove?"

The young boy asked, "In which direction is light from the candle going?"

The man responded, "It is going in all directions."

The boy: "You have answered your own question. Allah`s light (noor) goes in all directions. He is everywhere. There is no where that He cannot be found.

"The crowd cheered again...."Takbir!"...."Allah-hu-akbar!!!"

The man was so impressed and so moved by the boy`s knowledge and spirituality, that he embraced Islam and became a student of the young boy.

So ended the debate.

Who was the young boy?

The young boy was one of our leaders and one of the greatest scholars, Imam Abu Hanîfa (RA) (May Allah bless him). 

May Allah guid

The Boy who tried to escape Death Part 2....

Both Ahmad’s parents sat around his hospital bed as he lay there unconscious.
Suddenly Ahmad’s eyes began to flutter, and then after a minute his eyes slightly opened.
“AllahuAkbar! My son! How are you feeling?!” Ahmad’s mother asked as she bent over holding her son’s hands with hers. Tears began to roll down her cheeks.
“…When I saw that car coming towards me…I thought that was it…I was going to die…” Ahmad quietly said.
“How long were you waiting here?” Ahmad asked.
“About 11 hours. We made Salat in this room.” Ahmad’s father calmly said.
“…My parents stayed up for me all those hours and continued their worship too Allah. I can’t even sit down with my parents for a minute without having to do something that Allah hates…” Ahmad thought to himself.
Suddenly tears pored from his eyes. Ahmad’s father cuddled him and asked, “What makes you cry Ahmad?”
“Em…Not sure…Just happy to be alive?” Ahmad answered rather confused embarrassed to tell his parents how he was feeling.
After two days in the hospital, Ahmad was released. His left arm was supported in a sling so the shoulder could recover after the dislocation it suffered. That night while Ahmad lay in bed resting, his friend mo called him up.
“Ah Ahmad! I heard that you are safe back at home, that’s why I decided to call you up.” Mo said on the phone.
“That’s nice.” Ahmad answered.
“Listen Ahmad. Since that night was messed up and you could not go to the nightclub, do you want to come down tonight? I was so angry when you had that accident! You should have seen the girls I chatted up at the club when you were brought to hospital!”
“Mo. To be honest, I really don’t want to go. Say if this is a warning from Allah?”
“Warning?! Are you mad?! Don’t tell me you are becoming an extremist! You know they have the most boring of lives!”
“They may have a boring life now, but they sure have everything when they die!” Ahmad answered.
“Come on Ahmad! We are Muslims! We will go to Heaven. Ok, we might be punished in Hell for a little while, but we will all eventually go to Paradise, so what is there to worry about? Besides, Allah is merciful! He said if you believe, He will forgive you!” Poor Mo spoke without knowledge.
“Hmm. I don’t know. Let me think about it. Surely not tonight as my arm is still in a lot of pain, but tomorrow I will give you the answer.”
“Ok. Don’t forget to call me tomorrow! I have to now sit down in this boring house and listen to my father reading Qur’an. Man! They have such a boring life; I don’t even know how they can smile!”
After the phone call Ahmad sat down on his bed in shock. This is the first time for Ahmad to let down an offer out of fear of what Allah can do to him! Ahmad tried holding back his tears.
“…How can Allah ever love me? Look what I have done. I have never committed a minute of my patience and time for Allah. I have physically hurt my mother and yet she still loves me. How can Allah ever forgive me…?” Ahmad thought to himself.
Another night has passed, and only 4 days until the appointed time of his death.
The next day Ahmad’s arm was still in a lot of pain. Ahmad rejected Mo’s offer in going to the local nightclub that night. Ahmad spent the whole day thinking about life…
Days pass and now we enter the final day of Ahmad’s life…
Nobody knows, not even the angels of death.
The day is Thursday. Ahmad wakes up early after having a bad dream. Fortunately his arm is out of the sling.
Ahmad slowly goes down the stairs and sits at the kitchen table. No-body seems to be at home. He finds his fathers work on the table. He picks up his work to move it to the desk. As he is carrying his fathers work a small diary accidentally falls on the floor. After his father’s papers had been put back carefully, Ahmad curiously opens up his father’s small diary, and there written on the front page are the words of Allah from Qur’an:
“”Oh my servants who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the mercy of Allah. Truly, He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (39:53)”
Ahmad suddenly burst into tears. His hands begin to shake and his vision becomes blurred. He flicks through a few pages and reads the following:
“…I was away from Allah. I sinned against my soul. Far away was I from Allah. I turned to Allah and then fell into sin again when my two sons were born…” Ahmad flicks through more pages and what he reads shocks him even more…
“…My little Ahmad, my third son. He is five years old now. It is him who turned me back to Allah. He saw me once watching tv and asked, “If a Sheik came into the room and saw you, what would you do?” I answered, “I would quickly turn off the tv”. My son answered me back, “But baba! Allah is watching you all the time and He is more pure than all the Sheiks in the World!” My mouth dropped. I felt disgraced with myself. I turned back to Allah, vowing to keep my duty to Allah. My wife ‘Aliya also made the vow…” Ahmad continued to read on…
“…My Ahmad has mixed in with the wrong crowd. I see him moving away from his religion. I have failed. My son changed me by the will of Allah. How can I change him? What of my actions will make my son turn back to Allah?…”
Ahmad closed the diary, tears rolling down his face. Ahmad got hold of a pen and paper and wrote down the following:
“My Father. I have read your diary. I changed you when I was a child through my questioning by the will of Allah. Your words of your diary have turned me back to Allah by His will and Command.” Ahmad slipped the page into his father’s diary on the last page he had read.
Ahmad got up and for the first time on his own he performed Wudu. Ahmad put his clothes and shoes on and walked towards the masjid.
Unfortunately little did Ahmad know that Mo, his friend, was going to take the same road as him! Will Mo influence him back to the road to Hell? Can Ahmad influence Mo to the road towards Paradise? Will Ahmad continue on the road he is on?
Ahmad felt pure. A feeling of a happiness that is indestructible; and this happiness is one that can only be felt after doing a deed pleasing to Allah while continuing on a right path.
Ahmad walked down the street listening to the birds around chirping, praising Allah in ways He (Allah) knows best.
Suddenly Mo came around the corner unexpectedly.
“Ahmad! So good to see you again!” Mo called out.
Ahmad smiled.
“Where are you off too?” Mo asked.
“Well…I…To be honest Mo, I am going to the Masjid.”
“What!!! Are you mad?! That place?!”
“Listen Mo. You won’t understand until you open your eyes.”
“And are your eyes open?”
“I am at least trying.”
“Ha! You can live your life in boredom Ahmad, but at the end of the day, some day I will be in the same Heaven as you, and then you will regret not having fun now.”
“Mo! How are you so sure of entering Paradise?”
“Yes! Because Allah and His Prophet (saws) said.”
“We are in no situation to start interpreting Hadith Mo. Anyway, do you really think that the people of Paradise will regret not doing sinful things? In fact it would be the complete opposite.”
“I cannot believe you have gotten brainwashed Ahmad. But I know a way to change your mind…” Ahmad smirked towards Mo and quickly ran off.
“…Oh no! What is he up too..?” Ahmad thought to himself.
Ahmad continued on towards the Masjid.
As Ahmad walked towards the doors of the Masjid, the hairs on his body stood on end.
“…This is it…” Ahmad said to himself as he opened the door of the Masjid and entered.
Inside was empty. Inside was very quiet. Ahmad walked over to the corner of the Masjid and sat down facing the Qibla.
“Ya Allah! Forgive me! I am so scared of you now. I have done so much that you hate, yet you did not take my soul…” For two whole hours Ahmad cried and spoke to Allah. Tears streamed down his face. In fact, he cried so much the carpet beneath his face was wet with tears.
Time past on. Suddenly the local Sheik entered the room and spotted Ahmad. He stood for a moment listening to Ahmad’s Du’a. He was so moved by it, his eyes began to shed tears. He slowly approached Ahmad and carefully comforted him. Ahmad jumped slightly.
“Oh Sheik…I…I am sorry for…” Ahmad said embarrassed, but before he could finish the Sheik said:
“Ahmad. It’s ok. I see that you feel embarrassed, but that is good. It is better to be embarrassed than one who shows off.” The Sheik said as he smiled towards Ahmad.
“Your father and mother would be really proud of you. But most and best of all, you have submitted your whole self to Allah.” The Sheik continued on.
“I angered my parents oh Sheik. How can I make them happy?” Ahmad said.
“You have already made them happy when they see you now. Your father is very proud of you.”
“I mean, I want to get them something nice, as a gift.”
“Hmm. Well, you can get your mother some flowers or chocolate, and your father some perfume maybe?”
Ahmad smiled and said, “Wonderful idea. I will do that.”
“Here.” The Sheik said as he handed Ahmad two small pieces of paper and a pen.
“Write a small message to each of your parents and stick it on the gifts when you buy them.” The sheik said.
Ahmad began to write down small messages to his mother and father on the separate pages.
“Jazak Allah Kher Sheik. I cannot wait to get back and see my parents smile!” Ahmad said ecstatically as he got up.
“Barak Allah Fekum Ahmad! I cannot wait for ‘Ishah prayer tonight to see you and your father come Inshah’Allah!” The Sheik replied smiling.
“You will see us both Inshah’Allah!” Ahmad answered.
Ahmad gave the Sheik a big hug and began to make his journey towards some local shops.
Ahmad spent some time selecting some gifts for his parents with the money he got. He managed to buy some lovely perfume for his father and a delicious box of chocolates for his mother. After buying the gifts he stuck the small messages on them and prepared his blessed journey home.
Time ticks away…Not a single Human or Jinn on this Earth has realised that Allah has just ordered the Angels of Death to prepare to take a few peoples soul including Ahmad’s…!
Ahmad begins his journey home still constantly seeking Allah’s forgiveness…Mo with a half dressed girl in his arm spots Ahmad from a distance and smirks making his way towards Ahmad preparing to perform his disgusting sinful plan…A pious elderly Muslim lady prepares to cross the road…Ahmad begins to cross the road…Mo quickly runs to the centre of the road and calls out, “Yo Ahmad! Look at the chick I got for you! She can be yours right now!”
“…Oh no! Ya Allah help me…!” Ahmad says to himself trying his best to keep staring towards the ground, knowing that his weak point are women…The pious elderly Muslim lady begins to cross the road…And then death prepares to strike from all angles!!!
Ahmad stares to the ground and continues to cross the road?Shaytan senses the presence of death and rushes towards his enemy, Ahmad.
“?Look at the woman Ahmad! She is beautiful! Look at her to get rid of your satisfaction..!” Shaytan whispers into his ear.
Suddenly a truck several yards from the group automatically looses control. A loud screech is heard from the group as they turn around and spot the truck skidding towards them! Ahmad sees that the pious Muslim elderly Sister is in the line of collision! He drops the bags and rushes towards the Sister.
“?By Allah, if I am going to do something for Allah, I will save this Muslim Sister to make Allah happy..!” Ahmad says to himself as he rushes to her and pushes her out the way. In those moments the truck smacks into Mo and the girl he is with knocking them flying into the air. Next in line is Ahmad. Ahmad manages to push the elderly Sister out of the way but is caught up in the collision. Within seconds all three teenagers are lying in pools of blood.
“Oh Allah?I am scared?I don’t want to die like this?I did not even do my full five prayers yet?I did not fast…” Ahmad slowly says as tears roll down his face. Blood pours from the side of his body and skull.
The collision made enough sound for people to rush out of their homes. Even the Imam of the local Masjid came rushing out. The Sheik spotted Ahmad in the distance and ran towards him as fast as he could.
“Ahmad!” The Imam calls out as he rushes towards him taking hold of his bloodied hand.
“Pronounce Shahada!” The Imam calls out.
Suddenly a strange cold breeze is felt by Ahmad. In confusion he looks up and what he sees is something he could have never imagined in his life.
Two groups of astonishing angels begin descending from the sky. One group shining like the sun. Wings spreading as far as the eyes can see. A radiating beauty spreading from their faces and bodies, with comforting arms stretching forth. The other group on the other hand, have faces and bodies dark and terrifying, faces of extreme horror. Sounds of thunder bursting from their mouths carrying tools of torture within their hands.

                                                  ”La Ila ha Illallah" Ahmad begins to call out.

The Imam smiles, tears rolling down his face. He spots sweat appear upon Ahmad’s forehead. The Imam knew that one who dies with sweat upon the brow is a good sign.
Ahmad still has no idea which groups of angels are going to whom. Suddenly Ahmad feels a relief that no human can ever feel in this life as he realises that the angels of extraordinary beauty are looking at him!
Ahmad raises his hands towards theirs, wanting to get away from the pain.
“No more crying Ahmad. Come to us. We are your friends. We love you so much Ahmad. We will look after you and care for you until you meet Allah who is very happy with you!” The angels call out as their hands come into contact with Ahmad’s. Slowly they take Ahmad’s soul more gently than a caring mother lifting her new born child.
Tears flow down the cheeks of Ahmad as he is left in absolute shock of what he is seeing. He spots an unbelievably looking cradle like bed made of a beautiful light of different colours being carried by one Angel. As the Angels slowly place his soul into the cradle, another Angel sprinkles a beautiful smelling musk never smelt by man upon Ahmad. Like little twinkling stars, they slowly fall upon Ahmad like small colourful snowflakes.
While Ahmad is being treated to this death of honour, the other group of terrifying Angels of torture headed towards Mo and the girl he was with!
Like a skewer being ripped through wet cotton wool, the Angels tear away at Mo’s and the girl’s soul. The Angels with Ahmad prevent him from hearing the screams of the two so that he can be at peace as much as possible.
“Oh Allah no! Please! I am a Muslim, I am a Muslim!” Mo screams as the Angels of punishment rip his soul out, veins and arteries dangling from his body.
“Muslim?! Do not degrade the name of Muslim! You disobeyed Allah and you lived in denial of Allah’s punishment! Now you will suffer for now and forever!” The Angels scream out to him in thundering voices as they throw his and the girls soul into a bed of dark black fire.
“May Allah curse you Mo! You guided me to this! May Allah give you a double punishment!” The girl screams out as her flesh and bone is left exposed as she burns slowly and agonisingly in the bed of fire.
“I did not force you to sin! You came to me willingly!” Mo cries out.
“Quiet! Save your arguments for The Day of Judgment!” The Angels scream out to them.
Both Mo and the girl look up and spot Ahmad.
“?If only I listened to Ahmad on the road I may have been with him now?” Mo says to himself as tears pour from his eyes from both the agony and the regret.
Back on Earth Ahmad’s parents have come onto the street to see what has happened.
Suddenly Ahmad’s father spots his son lying in a pool of blood on the road.
“Ya Allah no!” Ahmad’s father screams out as he rushes towards his son.
The Imam spots Ahmad’s father rushing towards the body. He quickly gets up and tries to prevent Ahmad’s father from approaching the dead body.
“What happened?! Is he ok?!” Ahmad’s father cries out.
The Imam takes Ahmad’s father by the shoulders and embraces him in his arms.
“Allah has taken Ahmad back to Him.” The Imam slowly says.
“Ya Allah! My son, my son!” Ahmad’s father says as he almost collapses to the floor.
The Imam slowly helps the father to sit upon the ground.
“Muhammad, listen to me. Your son has turned back to Allah. I saw him crying so much in the Masjid today. He was there for about two solid hours all by himself seeking forgiveness. I had a beautiful talk with him and he even bought you some gifts to try and please Allah in making you happy. Best of all dear Muhammad, he pronounced the Shahada before going, and not only that, but he saved an elderly Muslim Sister. He looked up into the sky and smiled just before his breathing stopped. Take this.” The Imam said as he handed the bag of gifts Ahmad bought for his parents.
Ahmad’s father was still in shock as he held the gifts in his hands. Slowly he lifted the gifts out of the bag. There he found a beautiful bottle of musk for himself and a delicious box of chocolate.
He read the following message attached to the musk:
“Dear beloved father. This is for you. I Love Allah more than anything and I will do everything in my power to make you and mama happy. I cannot wait for tonight to pray ‘Ishah Prayer with you at the Masjid!”
Tears poured from Ahmad’s father’s eyes.
“My son has made me proud! AllahuAkbar! AllahuAkbar!” Muhammad got up and ran towards his wife who had made her way back into the house seeking Allah to forgive her son.
“‘Aliya! ‘Aliya! Look at what our Ahmad got for us!” He quickly handed the box of chocolates to his wife and asked her to read the message:
“Dear beloved mother. These chocolates are for you. I have hurt you both physically and mentally, and by Allah it will never happen again. From now on I vow to make you smile and never frown. I vow to make you happy and never sad. By Allah, we will pray to Allah together, and Inshah’Allah we will walk into Paradise together as one big family.”
“SubhanAllah! Lah He Lah Ha Ilallah! My son turned back to Allah!” ‘Aliya cried out.
Muhammad told her the story of what the Imam told him.
Nobody knew of the honour and beauty Ahmad was experiencing, while nobody knew of what the terrors Mo and the girl were going through.


The Boy who tried to escape Death (Part I)...


Assalamu alaykum brother and sisters in Islam  I want to share a story its long read but you will benefits and think ..May Allah guide us and have Mercy on us..Ameen

The Boy who tried to escape Death (Part I)...

Ahmad was a teenage boy at 16 years of age. He had two older brothers and one younger sister. His parents were ones of excellent religious character who tried their best to raise their children to the standards of Islam. It was religion first then education second. They hated when other Muslim friends or family asked their children about their education without first being asked about their religious duty to Allah being performed.
Sadly Ahmad attached himself to the so-called glitter of life. He would not pray while running off to the cinema with his friends while spending time hours and hours a day talking about girls. When his parents realised of what Ahmad was doing they sat him down one evening for a very important Islamic talk.
“Ahmad, my dear son. You know I love you from the bottom of my heart. I am your father who wants best for you all as you are all my children, my flesh and blood.” His father said to him in a saddened tone.
“I know.” Ahmad answered without emotion.
“Ahmad. By Allah, if you don’t like school you can come and work with me as long as you turn back to Allah.” His father said.
“Dad! It’s ok! I am 16! I have a long life ahead of me! I promise I will be good in the future!”
“My child. Did you control the timing of your own birth? Did you decide your own bodily features?” His father asked.
“No!” Ahmad answered.
“Then can He who brought you to this Earth without your consent at that exact time, take your soul at an exact time without your consent?” His father answered.
“Yes. But dad I know, I feel in my heart I will not die now!”
“My Son, before your birth you did not know that you will be born and on what time, therefore you do not know when you will be taken back to Him and at what time.” His dad again answered.

“I love Allah and that is enough for Him to forgive me!” Ahmad answered.
His mother began to cry and joined in the discussion.
“By beloved son, can a parent be satisfied with a disobedient son though the son declares their love for them?” His mother asked.
“No!” Ahmad answered.
“Then the One who created the whole Universe, the supreme, the irresistible cannot be content with His slave upon creation who disobeys Him despite such a slave saying that he loves his Lord.” His mother answered.
“You show your love for Allah by obeying Him and his messenger (salla Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam).” His mother continued.
“Mother! Why is life like this? Why must I do this and do that! I don’t want to live my life in boredom trying to avoid almost everything!” Ahmad yelled out.
“Ahmad! She is your mother! Show respect! Not only that, but show respect to your creator who gave you life and gave you a wonderful mother who loves you! There are ways to have fun in Islam!” His father said sternly.
“How is Allah merciful when He sends people to Hell?” Ahmad yelled.
“Are you still alive?” His father asked.
“Yes!” Ahmad answered rudely.
“Then is that not an example of Allah’s Mercy keeping you alive after you insulting The Most Gracious?” His father replied.
Ahmad was lost for words. He got up and stormed up to his room.
“You are all so boring! Why can’t we be like other religions who say enjoy life to the max? I am ashamed to be who I am!” Ahmad yelled as he stormed up to his room.
Poor Ahmad, little did he know that the final count down of the last 10 days of his life had just begun… 

Ahmad lay in his bed fast asleep. The time approached Salatul-Thuhur. Suddenly Ahmad woke up from the sudden shaking of his blankets.
“Ahmad! Wake up!” His father called as he shook him awake.
“For God Sake! Why? It’s only 1:00pm in the afternoon!” Ahmad called out as he stretched around to stare at his alarm clock.
“It’s only 1:00pm?! Are you insane? Almost the whole population is out of bed, and you are acting as it is 6:00am!” His father answered in a shocked tone.
“Why are you waking me up?” Ahmad moaned.
“Because you are coming to the Mosque with me today for prayer. I want you to experience just one Prayer in your life!” His father sternly called.
Ahmad moaned as he struggled to sit up.
“Now, I will be up in two minutes with a cup of cold water to throw over you if you are not out of bed!” His father said as he left Ahmad’s room.
Ahmad stormed off to the bathroom to prepare himself in a fit of rage.
20 minutes later Ahmad and his father were off walking towards the Mosque.
“Ahmad, I cannot believe you are so angry with the thought of standing before Allah!” His father said as they walked together.
“I could be at home playing my computer; instead I am tiring myself out by having to stand for 10 hours in boring prayer!” Ahmad moaned.
“Are you crazy? No Prayer lasts that long, not even half of that time! Now pull yourself together because the way you are storming down this road seems to me you are suffering from constipation!”
“Dad! Those people must have heard! Yet again you embarrass me!” Ahmad yelled.
“Embarrass you? The way you are composing yourself on this street is humiliating me, your father…Right here we are, now behave yourself for once!”
Ahmad and his father entered the Masjid. His father carefully observed Ahmad as he performed Wudu while trying to teach him the proper steps of performing it.

Ahmad finished the Wudu with the sudden expression on his face seeming as if he had been working all day hard labour!
They both entered the Prayer hall and found a place in the front row. The Muadhdhin called out ‘Iqamah and everyone rose to stand in Prayer before their Lord. They all begun the Salat together with the Imam, and Ahmad stood before his Lord for the first time in his life…
During the Prayer his father heard sounds of sobbing to the left of him! It was his son! A small smile appeared on the fathers face while a sensation passed through his body with pure intentions of happiness that father and son stood side by side before their Lord in humbleness.
After the Prayer Ahamd’s Father looked towards his son and smiled.
“Mashah’Allah my beloved son! You see? Is there anything more beautiful than Prayer? You even cried to Allah!”
“No, no, no! I cried because I just realised that I left my mobile at home and I promised to call Mo.”
“WHAT! You ignorant little…” His father held his composure.
“You are telling me you cried because you let your friend down, while feeling NOTHING every time you let your Lord down? Let me tell you something! Allah has no need of you or any of us, so you better start acting like you need Him, because one day you WILL need Him!” His father quietly yelled.
Ahmad’s father got up and stormed outside and stood beneath a large green beautiful tree. He stared towards the ground and cried. The tears rolled down his cheeks and dropped to the floor out of fear and love towards his son.
That day neither father nor son spoke to one another.
Another day gone, another day closer to Ahmad’s death. Nine days remain…

Ahmad’s Father, Muhammad, sat at the breakfast table staring down, watching the steam from his hot tea rise up into the air. Ahmad’s mother, ‘Aliya, approached Muhammad and sat next to him.
“My beloved husband, what makes you sad?”
“It is Ahmad. I weep for him. I have had a hard life and never had the life of a proper child. I was brought up in sin and I wasted so many years of my life in which I could have spent my timing worshipping Allah. All I ever wanted is to bring up a son worshipping Allah so that I can replace what I have lost and look towards my Lord Allah on The Day of Judgment with my son in my hand and smile towards Allah showing Him, Most High, my pious son whom I have brought into this World with the permission of Allah. Look what we have done! We have only turned towards Allah now in our lives and our son is lagging behind! What if he died now and goes to Hell? How can I live with that guilt…My son, my son!” Ahmad’s father suddenly burst into tears. Ahmad’s mother could not herself hold back the tears and both husband and wife comforted each other.
Two more days have already passed and Ahmad has only seven days to live.
Ahmad lay on his bed, ear phones in his ears listening to music, magazine in his hand, eyes and mind focusing on sinful star signs.
Hours pass. The sun begins to set. Ahmad jumps off the bed and prepares himself for the night out with his friends. He runs downstairs and is immediately confronted by his mother who is blocking the front door.
“Mum! What are you doing?!”
“I am stopping you from leaving the house! It is almost 9:00PM and we are about to eat dinner together!”
“What! I made a promise to Mo that I will meet up with him tonight!” Ahmad screamed.
“It is late and we need to eat dinner. Why is it your brothers and sister are so obedient and not you?”
“Because I have a life and they don’t!”
“How dare you? They worship Allah; they are doing well in their life…Look at you Ahmad! Cant you see what you are doing to yourself?!”
“Move!” Ahmad screamed as he moved forward towards his mother.
With his elbow, he knocked into his mother pushing her over. She fell to the side knocking her shoulder against the wall.
“Ya Allah forgive my son, forgive me son!” ‘Aliya burst into tears holding her shoulder. Ahmad’s father ran towards the front door to comfort his wife. Before he could say anything to Ahmad, he had already run down the street towards his friends. Ahmad’s father sat down holding his wife in his arms, who had already collapsed from the pain and sadness of what her own son had done to her.
‘Aliya stared straight into Muhammad’s eyes, tears rolling down her cheeks, eyes red with pain.
“Why? Why? I will die to save my son for the sake of Allah. He is a part of me and a son whom I love. What he has done to me is like removing my heart from me. I love him ya Allah! Guide him and protect him…” ‘Aliya again burst into tears.
Ahmad’s father could not listen to those words without feeling his heart break into two.
Little did Ahmad know that in Islam whoever harms their mother, Allah sends punishment straight away upon them…
Ahmad ran down the road towards his friend Mo.
“Yo Ahmad! Where were you?!” Mo called out as Ahmad ran towards him.
“Ah! It’s my parents again! They filled my ears again with all that religious rubbish.”
Haha! Don’t they have a life? I mean, Allah says He is forgiving, so as long as we believe in Him we will all go to Paradise as long as we don’t harm other people!” Mo spoke without Knowledge.
Mo and Ahmad continued down the road towards the local nightclub they usually attend…
Little did they know that a police chase was actually taking place just a few minutes drive away from where Mo and Ahmad were!
Five police cars continued to pursue a stolen car that headed directly towards the road Mo and Ahmad were heading. As Mo and Ahmad joked along the road they heard the sound of several sirens heading towards them.
One hundred meters away from the two, the stolen car traveling at 40mph lost control and smashed into a parked car, skidded to the other side of the road towards Mo and Ahmad…
Mo screamed as he jumped out of the way while Ahmad hesitated. The car kept on skidding towards the two and only managed to knock Ahmad with its side, thumping him with enough force a couple of yards down the road. The side of Ahmad’s body collided with a brick ball and he lay motionless on the ground. Mo screamed as he ran towards his best friend.
“Oh my God! Don’t die on me!” Mo screamed in panic as he tried shaking his body.
Police officers ran towards Mo and pulled him away afraid of him causing more harm on the motionless body of Ahmad.
A few Police officers attended Ahmad while a few others arrested and restrained the criminal.
Mo ran towards Ahmad’s house in a panic. He ran up to the house and frantically hammered on the front door.
Ahmad’s father opened the door in confusion.
“Mo? What happened?!” Ahmad’s father said in a worry.
“It’s Ahmad! He’s had an accident!” Mo screamed out, almost out of breath.
“Bring me to him quick!” Ahmad’s father said as he quickly put his shoes on. Ahmad’s mother quickly followed.
Ahmad’s father and Mo approached Ahmad, and this time he was surrounded by a couple of paramedics.
“Is he going to be alright?!” Ahmad’s father asked one paramedic.
“He is unconscious at the moment and is suffering from a dislocated shoulder. We need to get him quickly as possible to the hospital to give him an urgent brain scan to see for any damage or clots to the brain.”
Tears rolled down Ahmad’s fathers cheeks.
Ahmad’s father and mother approached the ambulance in which Ahmad’s unconsciousness body on a stretcher was in.
“I want to come!” Mo called out to Ahmad’s father.
“No. Just go home and ponder on what has happened tonight and think to yourself why this has happened!” He answered.
The ambulance doors were shut by one of the paramedics, and the ambulance then proceeded to head quickly towards the hospital transporting Ahmad and his worried parents.
All was quiet as Mo stood there, listening to the sirens fade away in the distance, watching police detectives investigate the scene of the accident.
Mo turned around and headed not towards his home, but to the nightclub where he and Ahmad were planning to go all along.
“Why should I bore myself at home? No one is going to stop me from enjoying this night I already planned with poor Ahmad…” Mo thought to himself as he headed towards the nightclub…

To be continue...